Project's presentation

One of the major challenges of the future is to boost agricultural productivity but above all to improve the quality of production while significantly reducing the use of chemical products. Meeting this challenge, in particular thanks to scientific and technological progress, is a goal of many countries.
Global sustainable crop production depends on innovation in multiple fields of science and technology. This involves agronomy, sensors, robotics, computer science, digital science… DESHERBROB project is based on multidisciplinary approach, on different scientific fields related to digital agriculture.
Main objective of DESHERBROB project is to design an automatic weed control system that can drastically reduce the use of pesticides by using a mechanized solution. This system operates in two phases. The first is to automatically map earlier-stage weeds using aerial and/or onboard imagery. In the second phase, the previously obtained data will be used by a robotic device to target the areas of interest, particularly in-row of crop.
This project involves two laboratories: PRISME and LIFAT, as well as two companies: FRASEM and AUTOMACHINE, all in Région Centre-Val de Loire.
